Fall Feelings
I grew up in the very most northern part of New York State, dubbed, “The North Country” and “Snowtown USA”. It is, as you can imagine; perfect in my eyes. Snowy, cold, blustery winters, welcome spring rains with blooming flowers, easy summers filled with fresh produce, a mix of just the right temperatures as well as just the right about of thunderstorms; and of course, the most glorious falls. Not to brag but, the leaves change to all the colors shown in fairy tales, the chilly weather sets in, sweaters come out, fireplaces turn on, cider mills and apple picking are in full swing as the leaves crunch below your feet. Coats pile on, baking begins, nights darken and the cozy and cool season of Autumn is felt in your soul.
I miss that comfortable fall feeling so much now that we are in California, so I do my very best to channel it to my life here. It’s not always easy in 90 degree temperatures with the sun blazing and no signs of snow but, I try to push that to the back of my brain as I deep dive into the season. This past weekend, I pulled out my fall decor, restraining myself from putting up my Halloween Decorations until after Labor Day which; I’m sure my neighbors appreciate this year. Everything else I felt was fair game. Fall dishes, linens and my favorite glass pumpkins. Our new Hocus Pocus Lego is out and underway, completed photo to be posted asap. I’ve shifted my weekly menus from BBQ’s and salads to chili, roasted chickens and I’m working on my slow cooker skills.
This week I have big plans to ransack every drawer and closet in the house, pushing warm weather clothes to the back and outfit planning with all the delicious sweaters, cozy pants and boots that I’ve missed these past seven months. Everyone on the west coast pumps their AC anyway so, a girl can dream.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have any fun new pieces picked out for the fall season ahead so, take a look at what I have my eye on at M! I’m really proud of our fall arrivals this season. I hand picked everything and am so excited to hear your feedback!
On a final note, I know fall doesn’t officially begin until Sept. 23 but, back to school will always mean fall for me and I’m all for these fall feelings.

Xoxo Maggie