Pocket Friendly Purchases
Shopping is fun, there’s no doubt about that; but at the end of the day it comes down to how much money we want to part with for these material items. Whether you’re shopping at thrift stores (for the style or price) , higher end boutiques, something in the middle of the road or a combination like I enjoy doing; it’s all the same at the end of the day. Making fashion and style choices for you, your kids and your home out of whatever budget you’re working with.
I’m a firm believer that a basic is a basic no matter which way you slice it. Sure a white T-Shirt, cut off jeans and a good flip flop might be cut a little differently or made out of a different fabric depending on where you buy it, but the price can be dramatically different and – we’re talking about a basic. This isn’t rocket science. Do I love a fabulously cut Alexander McQueen sweater? Obviously. I also see the value of spending money on something unique and special. Let’s spend the 16.50$ on the T from a tried and true who does basics well like Jcrew Factory, the Gap, Target or Old Navy and keep our change for those special pieces or moments.